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A new cover and thanks

In Uncategorized on January 25, 2011 at 9:34 pm

It’s amazing how many submissions we have received for the first issue of Prime Mincer. At last count, we had just over four hundred individual submissions. We are working hard to respond to each submission in a timely manner and it is an honor to read your work. Abby and I are blown away by the quality and the volume of work we are receiving. It just goes to show how much incredible writing is out there and how little space we have to publish. Thank you to everyone who has submitted  and please, if you haven’t, consider submitting today.

Also, we have a new cover for the spring issue. Eric Robinson is a fine, fine, photographer and he jumped out of his comfort zone when we gave him the task of providing us with a spring-themed cover. We think he did just fine. 

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